- Mean, TA
- Minimum, TN
- Maximum, TX
- Frost days index (TN < 0 ºC)
- Longest cold nights (TN < 7 ºC)
- Summer days index (TX ≥ 25 ºC)
- Number of days with TX ≥ 30 ºC
- Number of days with TX ≥ 35 ºC
- Longest summer days (TX > 25 ºC)
- Cold wave duration index, CWDI
- Heat wave duration index, HWDI
- Tropical nights index (TN ≥ 20 ºC)
- Precipitation amount
- Highest 5-day precipitation amount
- Dry days (pr < 1 mm)
- Wet days (pr ≥ 1 mm)
- Heavy precipitation days (pr ≥ 10 mm)
- Very heavy precipitation days (pr ≥ 20 mm)
- Number of dayswith (pr ≥ 50 mm)
- Longest dry period (pr < 1 mm)
- Mean duration of consecutive wet days (pr ≥ 1 mm)
- Longest wet period (pr ≥ 1mm)
- Annual total precipitation amount (pr > 10 mm) (%)
- Annual total precipitation amount (pr > 50 mm) (%)
Wind speed
- 10 m, 30 m and 60 m average
- Number of days with off 10 < 2 m/s
- Number of days with off 10 ≥ 5.5 m/s and ≥ 10.8 m/s (Strong wind days)
Relative humidity
Global radiation
Diurnal temperature range
Drought index
Aridity index
Fire risk index
- extreme risk
- high risk
- moderated risk
- low risk